Sunday, October 5, 2008

Playing Doctor

I suppose most of us have pretended to be a doctor at one time or another. I, for one, still am. As I recall, it usually goes something like this: The doctor takes a temperature, listens to your heart and lungs, and maybe bangs on your knee with a toy reflex hammer. The doctor then pronounces you sick and gives you a shot or tells you to go home and take some medicine. I never realized how my profession would change that for my children.

A couple of weeks ago Di overheard Aubrey and her friend Natalie playing. Natalie was the doctor and Aubrey the nurse. One of the dolls was going to have a baby. Jonathan overheard this and decided that he wanted to be the doctor, which Aubrey protested because Natalie was the doctor. Trying to keep the peace Di reminded them that in a C-section there are two doctors in the room. That seemed to placate everyone.

A little while later Di overheard Jonathan announce, "This isn't a C-section, it's a breech. This is very dangerous--the head could get stuck." Apparently, he has been listening to my talk about work.


Natalie said...

Ryan and Diane, Found your blog from the Gassins...I thought we'd lost you guys with both of us moving this year. So glad we didn't. How is Japan? Dave served his mission there..he is a bit jealous. Ashley is adorable! Our blog is at

angelee said...

It's so interesting to see yourself through your children's eyes! And then you get to go and try to clarify a few things for them. Which is what your mom is doing now with her book. Thanks for keeping us up on your life. I love to read it. And I miss those kids of yours. Tell Jonathon and Aubrey I want to come and play with them in Japan, well, maybe eat too?? Aunt Eulalie